Monday, 22 June 2020

Television the Drug of The Nation

There was a post that was widely shared across social media a couple pf years ago, which said ‘Don’t let you kids grow up thinking football in a TV show’ the picture that came with it was a young lad watching a non league football match. I liked it and shared it. I was taken to my first match by my Dad when I was six, I took my son when he was only a baby, for three generations we have grown up watching our local teams play football. Televised games higher up the ladder were just an added side show, not the main event.
Three months after most football came to a halt in the UK due to COVID 19, the Premier League & Championship have returned in England, following the example of Germany, played out in empty stadiums, but broadcast live on TV or via the internet.  Football has now become just a TV show.
There seems little hope for a return of football below the top two levels in England in the near future, clubs at that level are still mostly reliant on match day income rather than the revenue from TV rights and no fans through the turnstiles means no money. On top of that there is the cost of COVID 19 testing all the players and staff, estimated at around £140 per person, this is way beyond most clubs if required one or twice a week for a squad of 20plus. Even if this hurdle is overcome you are then faced with the problems around hospitality, bars and food outlets. All of which bring in vital income, plus the restrictions on attendances and how to administer tickets and imposing the distancing regulations.     
The current situation is a TV broadcaster’s wet dream, a captive audience, only able to access their football fix via TV, with simulated crowd noise and plastic pre match hype. The ban on screening games at 3pm on a Saturday has now been lifted and even when/if clubs lower down the pyramid return this will have a negative impact on their gates. The casual fan will be far less likely to leave their own home or pub to go to see the local team play of ‘their’ team is playing live on TV at the same time. This has already been shown by the reduced crowd numbers for midweek games when the Champions League matches are broadcast.
By the time we are back to any kind of pre-COVID 19 normality in lower league football there is a very real prospect of a large numbers of clubs not making it through, or if they do make it hitting the financial wall further down the line. The assistance and advice from the footballing authorities at the top of the game to keep the grass roots strong? Zilch. They are not just pulling up the ladder, they are setting fire to it.      
The football authorities have their cash cow back in the Premier League, the Champions League is scheduled to return and so is international football, all in empty stadia, but all live on TV. With the fans all meeting up on Zoom in their brand new replica shirts and making enthusiastic gestures when prompted to. With numerous food outlets now offering delivery and home now being the new office for many, there is no need to ever go out again. It’s dangerous out there, as someone smarter than me predicted back in 1990: Shut up, stay home, be happy, everything is done for you….  


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